we're looking for a buy upon a bounce from 108.587. | 01 Februari 2019

01 Februari 2019, USD/JPY

we're looking for a buy upon a bounce from 108.587.

Wave Analysis

According to the weekly chart above, we're seeing two key levels at 108.547 and 114.027. As long as the price remains within this range, we expect a possible reversal from the lower support to pick a long term buy order towards 114.023. and should price break below 108.587, then this is could be a good place to pick a long term sell towards 104.290. On its way to the lower side, the key lines to look for include 106.915, 105.165 and 104.290. A break below these levels will push price even lower towards 101.690.

Trade Recommendations:

we're looking for a buy upon a bounce from 108.587.


Bob Stan
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