Job Vacancies

    Kami mencari kandidat berbakat dengan pikiran positif-set, yang berusaha untuk sukses dan ingin berkembang bersama kami. Bekerja dengan kami berarti bekerja dengan tim muda ramah, memecahkan tantangan tugas, mengembangkan dan pelaksanaan proyek-proyek ambisius besar serta profesional dan kemajuan karir. Pilih lowongan pekerjaan yang cocok, kirim CV Anda dan kami pasti akan mempertimbangkannya!
    Local depositor

    Skill Requirements:

    Experience in messenger, e-mail and phone communication;
    Experience in working with different payment systems and Internet banking;
    Forex market knowledge;
    Good understanding of Internet marketing is welcome;
    Reliability, honesty, excellent presentation skills;
    Candidates with their own client and partner bases have advantage over others.


    To make deposits to the clients' accounts, supporting clients in deposit and withdrawal questions via the service of Local depositors. Attracting new clients is welcome and paid additionally.;


    Remote job (outsource).


    SEO executive
    We are looking for a SEO Executive – a freelancer who is willing to start working with us. We need to rank our website to get on page 1 of Google search results only with white hat tactics. Apply and we are looking forward to your email with CV.
    Kirim CV Anda ke alamat email: [email protected]
    Bekerja dengan kami cukup menjanjikan, menarik dan bergengsi
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