Buy Ford Motor's Shares | 15 Desember 2017

Ford Motor's Weekly Review

Wave Analysis:

For the past few weeks, the impulsive wave (3) stretched massively upwards and even went above the resistance zone 12.41-12.37 and is still pretty much above this zone. Last week we say a slight correction of this impulsive wave (3) but got contained above 12.41. As long as the price remains above this zone, we expect a possible bullish price movements and should break above 12.90 towards 13.87.  The anticipated bullish price rally is the continuation of the impulsive wave  (3) but must not go beyond 15.00. This motor company's shares should be traded alongside shares such as Tesla.  These have a strong positive correlation and will move in the same direction during this trading day.

Trade Recommendations:

Remain long with an ultimate target at 13.87.

DeutscheBK weekly Review:

Wave Analysis:

Perfectly as we forecasted last week, the shares of this German bank rose in value and could still continue rising even during this week. Since last week's candle was a perfect bullish pin bar candle. We expect a possible bullish price rally and should breakout above 20.98 with an ultimate target at 25.93. If you din't go long based on last week's forecasted, you may consider going long now, to ride the impulsive wave (i) up to above 20.98. Alternatively, you could wait for a break above 20.98, then a slight pullback before you buy the next impulsive wave (iii) with an ultimate target at 25.93. According to the current chart structure and set up, only a buy position can be recommended.

Trade Recommendations:

Buy DeutscheBK shares now with an ultimate target at 30.75.

Bitcoin Weekly Review:


Wave Analysis:

Bitcoin continues to crash through higher highs even hitting the $16, 650. This means well for the buyers and as long as there are bullish candles, we expect a spike even higher. In the mean time, its good to wait for slight pullback to the lower side towards $13,000.00. Then long this crypto currency with an ultimate target at 25,000.00. If you're not long already, its wise to wait for this pullback. The anticipated bullish price is the continuation of the impulsive wave (5) to the upper side and will continue as long as we're seeing bullish continuation candles. This crypto currency should be traded alongside others such as Ethereum, litecoin and the others.

Trade Recommendations:

We're still long with an ultimate target at $25,000.00




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Bob Stan
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