The bottom will be finalized | 05 Agustus 2015

05 Agustus 2015, EUR/USD

Daily chart: The bottom is going to be finalized today. Bears will obviously finalize the bottom Bollinger band (1.0813), where the bulls will try to work on the local O&U on this strong support

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Н4: is a very good sell signal - a breakthrough bottom of the envelope. Sales in the framework of this setup are opened from the middle Bollinger band (1.0952)

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Н1: a little more localized resistance - 1.0938 (middle Bollinger Band)

Доработка "низов"

Expectations: The bottom will be finalized. So, we wait for a correction up to 1.0938 area -1.0953, where the euro will go to 1.0813.

Trading solutions:

1) sales from 1.0938-1.0953 to 1.0813

2) Waiting on 1.0813 to enter purchases.

Aleksey Panasenko
Analis perusahaan "FreshForex"
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