Short Eur now towards 1.2140 | 19 Maret 2018

19 Maret 2018, EUR/USD

Short Eur now towards 1.2140
Technical Observation:
Eur is currently trading a couple of pips below its hourly pivot line set at 1.2260. I'm waiting for a break below this pivot to short Eur towards the the lower support trendline. As it is on the daily chart onlyn short positions looks more ideal and can be advised towards 1.2140. On the contrary, should the price break above 1.2320 then I may consider buy positions with my first take profit at 1.2410 and the next take profit at 1.2500. Conservatory traders,m could wait for sell signals below 1.2140
Technical Levels
Resistance levels
R1: 1.2271
R2: 1.2275
R3: 1.2282
Support Levels
S1: 1.2253
S2: 1.2261
S3: 1.2264
Trade Signal
Short Eur now towards 1.2140

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Imelda Maseno
Analyst of «FreshForex» company
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